Declaration of Principles

Israel will announce its intention to redeploy along the international border, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 425.
The government of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will take all of the necessary steps to assure maximal security for the residents of the northern Galilee.

Plan of Action

Israel will announce a defined timetable (of up to six months) for completing its redeployment.
1. Israel regards the Lebanese government as fully responsible for maintaining a peaceful border region and preventing any hostile actions against Israel from within Lebanese territory.
2. Israel sees itself committed to the well-being of the soldiers of the Southern Lebanese Army (SLA) and will undertake various steps to find them a suitable solution - whether within or outside Lebanon. Eventually, Israel will need to find an arrangement outside of Lebanon for several hundred SLA soldiers.
3. The IDF will redeploy to the south of the international border. The redeployment will include erecting an electronic fence, minefields, patrols, paving roads and building military outposts in order to prevent infiltration into Israel from Lebanese territory.
4. The government of Israel, in coordination with the IDF, will work to improve the civil defense system for the residents of the northern Galilee.
5. The government of Israel will direct resources for strengthening the infrastructure and economic development of the northern Galilee region.
6. During the period of redeployment, a serious effort will be made to reach agreements and understandings with the government of Lebanon and local entities in southern Lebanon in order to establish routine life and security arrangements along the border.
7. During the period of redeployment, an option may develop for involving a third party in the efforts to reach understandings with the government of Lebanon and to advance security arrangements.
8. In the event that hostilities occur on the northern border, Israel reserves for itself the complete freedom to act in any place and with any of the means at its disposal in order to secure peace for its citizens.
9. Israel will make clear to the governments of Syria and Iran that we will not hesitate to demand that they take responsibility for the results of any hostile involvement on their part in the area, with all that this implies.


1. The redeployment will allow Israel greater room for maneuvering on both the political and military levels.
2. On the military level, the IDF will be able to avoid unnecessary engagements with Hizbullah ambushes and explosives. Israeli soldiers will no longer be exposed to needless danger, and casualties and tragedies will be prevented.
3. The IDF will be able to act freely vis-a-vis the sovereign and responsible party - the government of Lebanon. If we are attacked, the IDF will be able to respond with all of its means, in any place and against any entity or infrastructure.
4. On the political level, the status of the political process with Syria will no longer be linked to the IDF's presence in Lebanon. Israel will no longer be represented as the occupier of southern Lebanon. Hizbullah or any other hostile entity will no longer be able to use the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon as an excuse for their acts of violence before the international community.
5. In a situation whereby the State of Israel enjoys freedom of military and political action, there will be less to gain from disturbing the lives of the residents of the northern Galilee and a better chance to bring Syria and Lebanon back to the negotiating table.