To the Editors,

I receive your journal regularly and I always read it with great interest.
However, I should like to make two comments on two articles included in the last issue.
Was it an oversight that caused you to omit that A.B. Yehoshua, Amos Oz and David Grossman were in favor of the War in Lebanon last summer until just before it ended? In your introduction to David Grossman's eulogy for his son, this important fact is omitted. It shows the mindset of most of the Israeli "peace camp" about the war which cost so many lives, including the tragic death of Mr. Grossman's son.
The writer A.B. Yehoshua is certainly one of Israel's most prominent authors. His position on peace between Palestinians and Israelis can be questioned, however, if one reads Yitzhak Laor's article published in Counterpunch, "A Bullet for Every Palestinian Child," in which he quoted Mr. Yehoshua, from a shocking interview he gave to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
For this reason, I wonder why your Journal, devoted to co-existence, has published a review of his book.

Paula Abrams-Hourani

Editors' Comment:
Our policy is to give a platform for dialogue for all Israelis and Palestinians who in principle do not deny the right of the other to live in peace and security on the basis of two states for the two peoples. We do not judge anyone by his position on a specific issue, but his general approach regarding a political peaceful resolution to the conflict.